Shopping Smarter 2: Shopping sustainably


The second part in a series on smarter shopping.

“Nature is healing itself.” You have probably seen or heard these words over the past three months. Possibly ironically, maybe seriously. Likely on a tweet with an amusing video of sheep overrunning a deserted high-street in Wales, or wolves roaming the empty streets in a small town in the USA.

Whilst the whole world is still in the act of picking itself up and dusting itself off over COVID-19, we cannot deny the impact of a simpler life - of staying at home, walking and cycling more, and driving less. The year started with raging wildfires in Australia, and whilst the fires don’t hold much headline space anymore, the concern for the environment is still prominent.

Many people in the last few years have chosen to go vegan, become militant in their recycling habits, or are trying to live a plastic free life. Others have committed to living and shopping more sustainably.

It is not the hardest choice to make, but the huge number of options and possible ways to shop sustainably does make it a slightly intimidating path to start on. It’s difficult to know exactly how many food miles that supermarket avocado has, and we know that sometimes those shoes in the fast-fashion retailers might be just too tempting to resist.

Retail giants aren't necessarily the most environmentally friendly

It doesn’t help of course, when your birthday or Christmas comes around and with it a host of gift-cards loaded with cash that can only be spent at huge, chain retail stores, that often do not have the shiniest of environmental report-cards.

You are, at this point, thinking about how the cash value of the gift card might go towards the weekly-food shop from the market and local produce stores. Or perhaps a local craftsman, rather than a new piece of Swedish flat-pack furniture.

As grateful as you are for the gift-card, you are probably frustrated about the little plastic rectangle that is going to force your hand and cause you to momentarily have to spend in a place that doesn’t quite fit your sustainable lifestyle goals.

That gift-card doesn’t have to be a burden though. There are other options, alternative ways to keep on track for sustainable shopping and living, and supporting local, independent retailers.

Selling gift-cards can set your cash free and means that you are not committed to spending it at whichever fast-fashion retailer that your well-meaning relative nominated. You can continue to spend at, and support, sustainable retailers, outlets, and businesses no matter what falls out of the greetings cards this Christmas.

In short – Cardyard gives you back control.

Control of your cash, of your decisions and of where you do good in the world.

PS: Remember to share your Sustainable Shopping tips with us on our Facebook page, Twitter or Instagram. We'd love to hear from you.

24th of June, 2020More blog posts