What is the difference between the Cardyard and Retailer Expiry Date

You have 6 weeks to spend a gift card bought from Cardyard. The Cardyard expiry date marks the end of the 42 day (or 6 week) period after purchase.

The retailer that issued the gift card puts their own time limit on the gift card, and this is the retailer expiry date.

Your gift card will probably still work after the Cardyard expiry date, but it will definitely not work after the retailer expiry date. You should treat the gift card as if it expires on the Cardyard expiry date, as after this date we will no longer guarantee any balance remaining on the card. Any claim made after the Cardyard expiry date is immediately void irrespective of the claim, meaning there is no legal recourse after this date.

See also...

. . . . The Cardyard expiry date

. . . . Buyer 42 day balance guarantee

. . . . Why do you only guarantee the balance for 42 days